Sunday, October 1, 2017

New CRR Amateur Radio Group Net and (Updated) Oregon Distracted Driving Law

October 1st usually marks the change to more fall like weather in the Central Oregon region. This year is no exception however it also marks the start of the Crooked River Ranch Amateur Radio Group's first on-air net. It will be held on the 147.060+ (Tone 162.2) repeater at 4:00 PM. The goal of the net is three fold: first, to help assess the coverage of the repeater, second, to help encourage amateur radio operators (new and old) to get on the air, and finally, to share information that those checking in may find useful and interesting.

It is also very fitting that the first net being held coincides with Oregon's new Distracted Driving Law update. After over a year of discussion and bartering at the state level amateur radio finally received an answer that there would be an exemption. In the bill there is a list of times when the new law would not apply. The area pertaining to amateur radio "If you are a HAM radio operator age 18 years or older". While the exemption is a welcome sight in the new law please do remember that we should operate our equipment responsibly while driving. The full text of the new law can be found by clicking this link.